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HRT For Men  
HRT for Men's Bone Health
Strengthen Bones with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The risk of osteoporosis increases as men age. Studies show that men are losing bone at a rate of approximately 0.5% each year. It is a well-known fact that close to 80% of patients will be dead within two years of their first hip fracture. Osteoporosis, like most degenerative diseases, is insidious--there are only a few symptoms that can suggest that you might have such a problem until it is too late. You may also be surprised to find out that some of the very popular types of “healthy” diets and exercises, common health conditions and frequently used medications may actually significantly aggravate bone loss. The mainstream medicine does recommend routine bone density scans for women.  However, no matter the results of bone densitometry, it is important to take proper action for prevention.

We have been taught that calcium aids to build healthy bones, which is true, but what people are often not taught is that such deposition in bones does not happen just because we feed our body calcium. It takes the right mix of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones that naturally occur in our bodies to really make sure that the calcium is stored in the bone instead of in other organs such as blood vessels, kidneys or joints. However, that right mix is lost with normal aging. Bone health could be further aggravated by illnesses, medications or wrong diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

How Can Forever Ageless Help

Forever Ageless takes men's bone health very seriously which is why we incorporate a bone densitometry in our routine evaluation to determine your risk for bone degenerative diseases and your overall bone health. In most cases, hormone replacement therapy in combination with appropriate exercise and supplements can potentially treat even very severe bone loss.

Since it sometimes takes years to see changes in the bone density, Dr. Kopyev utilizes simple urine or blood tests to assure the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and monitor the progress, allowing us to achieve targets on bone turnover within a few months.

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*DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The educational material contained in this site is based on readily available information and the experience of Forever Ageless Age Management and Bioidentical HRT. This information is not intended to self diagnose any conditions or treatments and it is recommended that you seek a professional's opinion. This information is not intended to diagnose, treate or prevent any disease.