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      (330) 552-7202
kent, ohio
How Much Does HRT Cost?
Every situation is unique, thus, it is very difficult to determine how much HRT will cost for you without a full evaluation. While each situation with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is different, treatment usually includes a mixture of diet, exercise, and nutritional and hormonal supplements. We will do our best customize a program to your circumstances.

Dr. Kopyev prefers to speak to every person directly before the decision is made to become a patient at Forever Ageless. The phone call is complimentary. He has designed his practice to give you direct access to him personally, so that you do not delegate your health decisions to a call center or nurse. Please call to discuss your health needs & Dr. Kopyev’s approach to anti-aging medicine, age management medicine, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and other health questions.

Speak with Dr. Kopyev Now - Call 330.572.7202 or email him to schedule a free initital telephone consultation.
Initial Costs
All patients begin with a 90 minute visit with Dr. Kopyev during which he will review your medical history, discuss your lab results, customize a nutrition and exercise plan & prescribe all necessary hormones. This initial evaluation is $500.00. This is then followed by regular follow-up appointments depending on your individual needs & circumstances.
There are upfront costs to cover the evaluations & lab work as well.

Annual Health Plans
Annual Health Plan is available for $149 per month. When patients begin utilizing the prescribed hormones, it is imperative that patients routinely have blood work done & follow up with Dr. Kopyev throughout the year. This is to ensure that our patient's levels are at their optimum & that they are symptom free. Patients have access to Dr. Kopyev throughout the year directly through cell phone, text messaging, and email. It is not uncommon for patients to contact Dr. Kopyev 3-4 times per month with questions. Dr. Kopyev does not want our patient's follow up & interaction to be contingent on your finances; for this reason we recommend the annual health plan model (can be financed monthly if needed).

Blood Tests
Blood work is typically covereda patient's insurance. For patients without insurance, the initial panel that Dr. Kopyev orders is typically less than $350. Each patient has a unique medical history and Dr. Kopyev may order additional testing based on their symptoms.

Cost of Hormones
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy can vary widely depending on your individual needs and goals. The cost of individual hormones & supplements can range significantly from as little as $4 a month to several hundred dollars. Most patients can expect to pay $50-$95 out-of-pocket per month depending on your hormone needs.

Read Through our Website to Get Educated or Speak with Dr. Kopyev Now.

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*DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The educational material contained in this site is based on readily available information and the experience of Forever Ageless Age Management and Bioidentical HRT. This information is not intended to self diagnose any conditions or treatments and it is recommended that you seek a professional's opinion. This information is not intended to diagnose, treate or prevent any disease.