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Side Effects of HRT?
Talk to Your Doctor

As with any intervention, there is a possibility of side effects or intolerances. At Forever Ageless, we take any unpleasant experiences seriously; our goal is to help you feel great. Dr. Kopyev requests that all his patients to contact him directly with any concerns, because most of time, adjustment of dose or route of administration can quickly resolve the issue.

Doctor Kopyev has a passion for patient care and well-being. The best way to determine the risk of any side-effects and whether or not you are a candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy is to speak with Dr. Kopyev.

Speak directly to Dr. Kopyev now by calling 330.572.7202.
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*DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The educational material contained in this site is based on readily available information and the experience of Forever Ageless Age Management and Bioidentical HRT. This information is not intended to self diagnose any conditions or treatments and it is recommended that you seek a professional's opinion. This information is not intended to diagnose, treate or prevent any disease.